Hypatia Salon is a place for people to chat, exchange ideas, and engage in thoughtful discussion.

As society becomes more globally accessible, many of us have the opportunity to connect and learn from a more diverse set of people. Hypatia Salon focuses on women in STEM, but welcomes people from all backgrounds. We encourage all races, ages, ethnicities, sexual orientations, abilities, and gender identities to join us.

How it Works: Each session will be 1 hour and use an online meeting tool (e.g. Zoom or other). At the start of each online gathering participants will be given a list of discussion topics to choose from. The topic that gets the most votes will be the theme of the day. There will be a 5 minute presentation to kick off the conversation and then smaller breakouts will be created for discussions.

Join Us: Hypatia Salon is preparing for its first session. The online meeting will be interactive and allow all participants to talk in small groups. If you are interested in joining, please fill in the form below so we can schedule times that work for the most attendees.

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